If your car lacking in performance or giving you problems, or BOTH? If you answered Yes, it might be time to get your vehicle a much-needed tune-up. A tune-up can help boost your vehicle's performance and repair any problems that may be hindering its abilities.
Below are some of the common signs that indicate your vehicle needs a tune-up:
Check Engine Light On
One of the most prominent indications that you need a tune-up is a lit engine light. If you notice this light, please take your car to a trusted auto repair shop for diagnostics ASAP.
Shaky or Vibrating Car
If your car feels overall unstable to drive in, it may signify that you need a tune-up. While this sign may be caused by many things, our professional mechanics can get down to the bottom of the problem.
Lowered Fuel Economy
If you've noticed that your fuel efficiency has been slipping, a tune-up can be the right fix for you. This can be caused by many things, like a dirty filter or worn spark plugs. Either way, we'll get you new components during the tune-up.
Problems Shifting Gear
If you're having trouble shifting gears, it can indicate that your car is low on transmission fluid or needs a transmission filter replacement. Please come by our auto repair shop for a tune-up to get these in check.
Vehicle Making Strange Noises
Any off-putting noise is a clear sign that something is wrong with your car. If you hear odd noises, it's best to take your vehicle to a trusted auto repair shop for a detailed inspection. Please be sure to describe the sound and other details (when it occurred, what happened to make it appear, etc.).
If you believe your vehicle needs a tune-up soon, please bring your car to the auto experts at Small World Auto Repair. Feel free to give us a call or schedule an appointment online with us today.