Driving on the highway can be intimidating, especially if it's not something you're familiar with. Even with years and years of driving experience, it can still be scary to merge into a busy lane or see somebody fly past you in the left lane. Not only that, but highway vehicle accidents tend to be more severe and lead to more injuries than those in a parking lot or in the city. We recognize some of your concerns, and we've put together a list of tips and tricks to follow to ensure you drive safely on the highway.
The right lane is the safest. If you are uneasy about driving at such high speeds, we recommend staying in the right lane. The left lane is intended for passing, and it's where you'll find the speedy drivers. You're more likely to stick to the speed limit by sitting in the right passage.
Remember to use your mirrors. Drivers need to utilize their rearview and side mirrors on the highway. Because of the extra space and more cars, there's more area for your eyes to cover. If you want to merge or switch lanes safely, you're also going to need to look at your mirrors and over your shoulder to make sure you're clear to go.
Leave enough space between your car and others. Establishing proper speed and distance is vital for staying safe on the highway. Drivers should have at least 5 seconds worth of space between their car and the vehicle in front of them. The larger the gap between your car and others, the more time you react and avoid a collision.
Always use your turn signals. Communication is key to road safety, not just on the highway. These light indicators will let other drivers know what you anticipate doing.
Clear your distraction. We're often distracted by many things while driving, especially our cell phones. To maintain absolute focus, you should keep your phone out of sight and hold off from touching anything other than your steering wheel.
At Small World Auto Repair, our goal is to make sure you and your vehicle are safe. We have expertise in working on domestic, asian, and european vehicle makes. If your car needs maintenance or repairs, please call or visit our auto repair shop in Eugene, OR, today.